Friday, February 1, 2013

Insert title here

I suck at titles. I mean I really, really hate coming up with one. It takes me more time to decide on a title than it does to write an entire post. And after all that time, I give up and head it with something lame. Oh, well, I'm over it. Let's dance.
This one goes out to my sister.

I feel sorry for you guys because you don't have a family like mine. When you're down, they come around, in droves, with encouraging comments, sweet texts, and surprise phone calls. This bunch of nutty, hilarious, slightly unstable, but beautiful people are the best God created. I would've picked them myself if given the choice. But I wasn't. Worked out in my favor anyway, didn't it?

I had 13 students in yoga last night. 13! I kept head counting over and over just to make sure. That's the biggest class I've ever had at the Rock. Actually, it's the biggest yoga class I've taught anywhere. I was so stoked. Luckily, I'd planned a mild, hip opener flow that the perfect pace for my new crop of beginners (all but four were brand new to yoga). Getting to introduce that many people to the experience of yoga is pretty exhilarating.

I've been teaching a series on the chakras. Last week we started with our first chakra, the root chakra, and last night we balanced the 2nd chakra. The second chakra is located in your abdomen about an inch below your navel. It encompasses the hips, sacrum, kidneys, reproductive organs, and all fluids of the body. It is feminine in nature and focuses qualities of fluidity, creativity, passion, and "going with the flow". A balanced second chakra allows for emotional and sensual movement in like, enabling us to open to life just as it is and accept what we find. A fear of pleasure (simple pleasures like a break from your never ending work pile to take a hot bubble bath), being out of touch with your feelings, or being resistant to change can signify a deficiency in your 2nd chakra. An excessive 2nd chakra is characterized by overly emotional behavior, frequent emotional drama, or poor boundaries.

If descriptors seem to characterize your life or if you want to stoke your creative juices, get down on the floor and do some gentle hip openers and seated forward folds. Pigeon, Bound Angle, Head to Knee pose, and Seated Wide Angle are just a few options (Don't be scared off by the pictures in the links. Remember: modify, modify, modify!). Be slow and gentle as you ease into these poses. Don't force the stretch, but instead go where you body directs. Don't be afraid if random emotions surface while in a pose. The hips are a store house of emotions. They hold all the gunk we stuff down and don't want to deal with. When we start to open them up those emotions may rise. Acknowledge and own them when they surface. And then let them go with the exhale of your breath.

(I realize now how appropriate the 2nd chakra practice was for me yesterday as well. Take it easy and go with the flow. That's one key to staying balanced and happy. Binges? They happen. But I'm still movin' and groovin'. )

Tomorrow we discuss how to tackle other challenges with the Whole30 format. February Fitness30, anyone?

Have a fab Friday!

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