Gross alert! I am so tired of waking every morning soaked in sweat. It doesn't matter what I wear or don't wear or if only half of my body is under the covers. I wake up shivering, body drenched, hair damp, and sheets soaked. Were I still following the Whole30, I would chalk it up to my body being in fat burning mode, but I'm not (I know I said I was doing a second round a few weeks back, but I...I...well, I just haven't). I thought maybe the comforter was too heavy so I've tried light blankets instead to no avail. When the simple answers don't seem to fit I start to worry that the cause is bigger things, like my hormones being out of whack. Does that normally happen to 28 year olds?
All I know is 6 nights out of 7 I looked like I've sleepwalked into the back yard and played with the hose, and it's getting pretty old.
On to other things that you probably don't care about.
For the past couple of weeks I've been experimenting with my daily schedule, trying to fit in all the things I want and need to do to keep my balanced. One thing that's been missing from my life is exercise. I do plenty of teaching, but I don't do anything for me. My weeknights are just about to busy to add anything else to the mix so I thought, "Hey, I'll workout in the morning at 5:00!" Well, friends, my body hates working out at 5:00a.m. Ok, not my body, but I definitely do. Taking 15 minutes to go from sleepy head to gym rat with pulse pumping and muscles popping (or so they try) just doesn't work for me. My body and mind are a bit to stiff that early in the morning to give a workout all the effort it deserves. I prefer to hit the snooze once, then fix my pup her breakfast as I rub the dreams from my eyes, then pour a tall glass of water and settle in to the computer chair to write. It gives my body and mind time to stretch and yawn and slowly perk themselves up.
Still, I'm faced with the problem of when to exercise on my own. I'm thinking I might have to be a weekend warrior, completing the most intense workouts Friday nights, Saturdays, and Sundays. Mondays and Wednesdays I'll try to fit in a short 15 minute burst of something. That's not too much to commit to. I did go and buy a set of 10 pound weights to keep at my desk at work and use throughout the day. Yeah, I think I've lifted them once in two weeks.Best of intentions, right?
Anyway, I have been on this baby fever kick ever since my niece Millee was born in December. There are lots of new born baby pics floating around Facebook right now, but it's a fact that there are none cuter than this
Please ignore my brother's hairy legs |
I couldn't figure out how to rotate the photo, but tilt your head to the side. That chick's loaded with sass already!
So someone posted about an old wives' tale ring test that would tell you how many babies you'll have and whether each will be a boy or a girl. I love superstitious stuff like that so I slipped my wedding ring onto a necklace and followed the steps. I held it in my left hand for a second, then grabbed it with my right hand and let it dangle. I made a circle with my left thumb and pointer finger and threaded the neckalce back forth through the circle three times. Then I held it as still as possible over my left palm. The says that the ring will either move straight back and forth (for a boy) or around in a circle (for a girl), and it will stop in between children. When my ring began to move over my palm for a FOURTH time, I threw it on the bed and ran out of the room convinced I was toying with voodoo and would be struck down. So there you go folks. I'm predicted to have four kids (maybe more since I cut the test short). A boy, then girl, then another boy, and finally another girl. I might get to name a son Maitland Burkhalter after all! (Burke for short.)
But watch out! Knowing the daddy, they will all be hellions ;)
Love to you all!
It's not voodoo, it's your hand directing what your heart, mind and Spirit already know...we don't accept what we can't explain, except on faith. Just believe in your dreams. What I really wanted to respond to was the hormonal question. Yes, yours could be out of whack. At your age, and with your busy life, you probably produce more adrenalin/norepinephrine and cortisol (the fight or flight hormone) than is healthy for the regulation of estrogen and progesterone. There is an integrative medicine doctor at Emory who holds classes on how to minimize the effects of cortisol on the endocrine and nervous system, and guess what? Those hormone producing glands and neural ganglia line up with ...your chakras. The answers are: Meditation for relaxation(check), yoga(check)and plant-based bioidentical food sources. And chakra balancing...(my personal theory).
ReplyDeleteI love both of these explanations, and truthfully I'm warming to the idea of lots o' a few years. In my journaling lately I've decided that there are things, yoga & meditation & writing, that I simply must commit to and practice every day. Those are the things that keep me most centered and emotionally healthy, and for some reason I avoid them like the plague. But when I commit to them I feel whole. The rest of the things I stress over daily can fall away or fall into place as long as I practice those 3 important things....I firmly believe in the chakras, their power, and the importance of balancing them, but I bet you know far more about them than I do. We'll have to get together?and bliss out on meditation soon. I love you!