Sunday, January 20, 2013

Whole30: Day 20


Atlanta's big game, the NFC championship is today! They got lucky with last week's win, and they are going to have to play a perfect game today against the 49ers if they want to be in the Super Bowl. I think they'll do it. They may have won by the skin of their teeth last week, but it was still a win, and I think they needed that to boost their determination and morale. Ha, look at me talking like I know anything about football.

Well, what I do know is that there will be plenty of commercials during today's game which gives you the perfect opportunity to hit the floor and practice a few yoga moves that will help boost your immunity. Any form of yoga naturally lowers our stress levels, there by making us less succeptible to the crud making its rounds, but there are also specific poses that target the immune system, specifically the Thymus gland. I know as much about anatomy as my dog so I won't try to educate you on all the workings of the immune system. All you need to know is that the thymus glad, the primary glad of the immune system, is located behind the sternum in front of the heart.
Gentle chest openers, such as camel, cobra, and bridge are ideal for targeting the thymus. Downward dog and other inverted poses, such as forward fold, will encourage blood flow to the sinuses and help ease congestion, and child's pose is the perfect pose for resting and checking in with yourself. The key for all of these poses is your breath. Focus on slow, deep inhales and exhales through your nose, filling your entire belly and lungs. Try holding each pose for five breaths to start. Then work your way up to holding for the whole commercial break if you like.

Pictures of the poses are below, but I've linked them to descriptions on, which will tell you exactly how to perform each one.


CAMEL: Note* Pressing your thighs and hip bones against a wall helps to stabilize this pose.





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