Hello dear ones! At this point I am obliged to say that it has been awhile (indeed it has!) and offer up some excuse for my absence (work, teaching, and packing all at once is overwhelming; traveling to and from Statesboro has gobbled up my weekends; certain posts caused concern which in turn made it impossible to write without inserting numerous asides defending and validating my thoughts). Since my last post, my Yoga practice has become almost non-existent; I've abandoned any kind of nutrition habits that could be considered healthy; and I haven't written a single word- not even a line or two in my journal. I've gained weight and feel bloated and itchy every day. (The itchiness really throws me for a loop.) My face is mapped with red, sore mountain chains. I sleep through the night but never feel rested and yearn for the hours to pass until I can crawl back into bed.
My life is caught in a salad spinner and instead of flowing and finding balance in the midst of the craziness, I've overdosed on stress. I beat myself up for awhile about all the unhealthy ways I've coped, including several nights camped on the couch with a carton of ice cream, but then I decided I was just giving in to human nature. It's easier to gorge on sweets than it is to spend an hour in a yoga class and the gratification is quicker. Those happy hormones surge to your brain as soon as the sugar hits your tongue, where as you have to get in your car, drive to the studio, find your breath and build a sweat before your feel good receptors will light up from exercise. (Or in the case of working out at home, you have to get off your butt, turn off the tv, change your clothes, unroll your mat, and motivate yourself to move.)
Health, balance, and sanity take a bit of effort, and in the midst of stressful circumstances, the last thing I want to put forth is effort. Some call it laziness, and yes, there are times when I wallow, but I think the propensity toward the easy path is just the way we're wired. (I've been reveling in this
excuse fact for the last month.)
Anyway, just about all of you know that the hubs and I are moving back to Statesboro. Yay! Tomorrow, we load the U-haul and say our goodbyes to North GA/Chattanooga. To be honest, I'm a bit conflicted. I've waited for this moment since the day we moved up here. I've missed my family and home town, and I'm truly happy to be going back. But I will miss Chattanooga. I will miss walking the Walnut Street Bridge on the first warm, sunny day of spring, surrounded by runners, and bikers, and mothers with jogging strollers. I will miss the weekly festivals in the parks and the overflow of artists selling their passion. I will miss random lunch and dinner dates with my Yoga girls and the laughter of beginner yogis in Ringgold as they flip their dog for the first time. I will miss the lunches with my River Valley ladies in that awful 70's timewarp of a building and Mr. Jim, who never failed to say hello every day....Ok, I've got to stop before I cry.
It is my hope that with the move, or shortly after the move, life will start to settle (as much as life can, of course). A new phase is beginning, and I'm ready to take off with it. On May 6, I'll begin teaching classes at Your Power Yoga, the newest yoga studio in Statesboro. Susanne Jackson, the owner, is working hard to develop a yoga community in the 'Boro, and I'm excited to help out. Check out the schedule below and make time to find out what Yoga is all about. Note: the 3 weeks unlimited yoga for $30 is a REALLY good deal. Don't pass it up!
Promotion – 3
weeks Unlimited Yoga for $30 Dollars
Classes begin May
Monday – 10:30 –
11:30 am - Yin- WITH CHRISTAN!
4:30 – 5:30 pm - Power I
6:00 – 7:00 pm - Power II
Tuesday – 8:30 – 9:30 am – Intermediate Vinyasa
4:30 – 6:00 pm – Power III
6:30 – 7:30 pm – Power I
Wednesday – 8:30
– 9:30 am – Advanced Vinyasa
4:30 – 5:30 pm – Yin- WITH CHRISTAN!
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Beginner Vinyasa- WITH CHRISTAN!
Thursday – 10:30
– 11:30 am – Intermediate Vinyasa- WITH CHRISTAN!
4:30 – 5:30 pm – Power I
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Power II
Friday – 3:00 –
4:00 pm – Beginner Vinyasa
4:30 – 5:30 pm – Yin
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Community Yoga
Saturday – 8:30 –
10:00 am – Power III
10:30 – 11:30 am - Power II
Sunday – 8:30 –
10:00 am – Power III
10:30 – 11:30 am – Community Yoga
Ignite the body
while quieting the mind!
721 S Main Street,
Suite 2 Statesboro, GA 30458 - 912-536-0896
Aren't you excited about this?!? Yoga is about to take off in Statesboro and you know you want to be a part of it. I'll be able to post much more in the coming weeks and will five you info on the different types of Yoga that are being offered at Your Power Yoga. That way you'll be able to choose what class you think will be the best fit for you. I can't wait to see you there!
I'll let you get back to your Friday now. Oh, and since it's Friday......
Get up and dance! Love to you all...
Prince - Kiss by cdipre